

Murray Perahia

  • Release 2001

Keyboard Concertos Nos. 1, 2 & 4


The Goldberg performance encompasses as wide a range of expression as the music does–which is really saying something! This concerto disc is more uniform in style, thoroughly modern and generally rather hard-driving. Perhaps the tension was generated by the interplay of pianist-conductor and orchestra, but it’s palpable throughout. This does keep your attention riveted on the music, although it leaves some aspects of Bach unexpressed. If you’re willing to go along for the ride, though, the disc does have a lot to offer. Perahia’s execution is superb, and he decorates the text with his own trills and embellishments in a very convincing way. The orchestra keeps things moving right along. This may be a somewhat one-sided approach to Bach, but it certainly is stimulating. –Leslie Gerber